26 September 2011

I can´t believe it is another week in the mission. Time goes by way to fast. So looking back at the week I was really happy at the progress of the people that we have in the area. We had a miracle at church this weekend. Having a super workfilled day this saturday we found some amazing people and with one of them they were really stoked to come to church. It ends up that her cousin is a member in another ward pretty close to here and she came with him. The funny thing she is a Megadeth and Iron Maiden fan, it was pretty funny haha. We passed by her store and taught her a quick lesson and she loved it and came to church. Sweet.

The family that we are working with are still having troubles coming to church but the kids are coming to the activities like Futbol. They are super awesome and just sundays are really hard for them so we are going to be working super hard with them to help them come to church. They were going to get baptized over 4 years ago but something just came up and now I know we found them again to have them be in the church.

One of our investigators still comes to church but doesn´t see the need to be baptized. She´s 17 so I wouldn´t really understand it either but the mom says it too so it convinces the daughter even more. The mom has really opened up with us. We met her about 2 months ago and now we are having our second family night in her house tomorrow! She loves us now and she has a kiosco and everytime we pass by she gives us food and stuff. They always wait for us to pass by haha. The only bad thing they are starting to work on sundays but we are working things out so another family member can watch the store!! It´s pretty gnarly hah the daughter plays Call of Duty on the computer sometimes so that was a kick.

So yeah we have a lot of Progress in the area. We have an interview with President Wednesday with an investigator that needs to wait 3 years to get divorced so I hope everything works out. I´m sure President is going to put goals with him but I am praying he will be able to help speed up the process of the paper work. It´s pretty crazy how it takes so long to get divorced so I understand more how people don´t want to get married!

Well Love you guys and have a great conference.

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